Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1st

I am having drama picking out my nursery furniture! I found the perfect crib and dresser set that I wanted in a JCPENNYs magazine! Well...when we go online to order and check prices...They no longer offer it in the color that I wanted! So that just threw me completely off! So I have been searching all morning for a new favrorite.. its so hard bc I want it to be perfect! So these are the two that I have narrowed it down to! What do yall think? I cannot wait to get his room all set up! I go in there all the time and look around ha but all he has is clothes and shoes so far!! I cannot believe it has already been 6 months! It is flying by.. he will be here so soon!

I am babysitting my friend Hannah's little girl, Ava Rose, this morning! Hannah has lab on Wednesday morning so I have volunteered to babysit! It is good practice for me and plus I am hoping Hannah will return the favor for me very soon :) She is so good too so its fun! She is 3 1/2 months now so she just laughs and goo's and gaa's ... so cute! Nothing like a little boy though!

Oh yeah... Alex and I had another crazy event yesterday morning! I swear something is going on! LOL Well we had just gotten the news the day before about not having to pay to have his truck fixed and that Ford was going to re-emberse us for the towing charges which was a huge blessing...well we get up yesterday morning and the REFRIDGERATOR ISN'T WORKING!! WHY!! Well luckily... we have another refridgerator and freezer in the garage so we just moved everything out there!! So nothing ruined! I swear its always something...but never anything that we can't handle. God is good to us! Well Im going to feed Ava some cereal and probably study all day!

Have a good day!!


Rachel Beer said...

Your life sounds crazy right now! Mine is too, why would I plan a wedding in the middle of internship! LOL! Oh well...on the nursery furniture, I think I like the 2nd one best, but they are both very cute!

dawsonlaynehopper said...

i'm trying to follow your blog but it only says "error on page" ?!